enChoice Teacher's Certification System

Designed to
and streamline
the application
and certification

enChoice Teacher's Certification System (TCS)

Teacher's Certification System (TCS) - enChoice’s Teacher Certification System (TCS) leverages IBM’s powerful CloudPak for Business Automation capabilities. TCS is designed to automate and streamline the application and certification process by providing a complete online digital experience for applicants.

TCS provides online portals for applicants (teachers), Institutions for Higher Education (IHE), Local Educational Agencies (LEA) and agency personnel. TCS is a comprehensive solution for online application submission, workflow tracking, automated communication and dashboarding, integration with third party services and reporting systems.

enChoice's Teacher Certification System (TCS) Components include:

  • A Self-Service Citizen Portal which automates service requests and gives citizen transparency into the request process and their status.
  • An Interview Module which walks citizens through a set of related question in order to determine request completion requirements.
  • An Agency Portal which provides agency staff full transparency into inflight and submitted requests and a single integrated interface to perform all required request approval tasks and functions.
  • A Correspondence Module which automates the creation of required forms, letters, and certificates.
  • A Process Module that automates processing of all submitted requests.
  • Integration Modules that connect with an agency’s technology systems and external service providers.

Watch the recorded webinar on enChoice's Teacher's Certification System: