enChoice Datacap Accuracy Plugins

Accuracy Plugins for Datacap

With enChoice's Accuracy Plugins you can quickly accelerate your capture accuracy, efficiency, and help you achieve greater ROI.

Learn how these Accuracy Plugins for Datacap can extend your system to achieve greater results:

Cloud Cognitive Capture

Achieve up to 90% accuracy on handwritten documents!

enChoice's Cognitive Capture plugin can expose new cloud-based engines from Amazon, Google, and Microsoft to your Datacap applications. With this technology, you can easily try different cloud capture engines to see which performs best with your specific documents, and then configure the workflow in that application to use those cloud capture engines. The improvement in accuracy over native Datacap can be remarkable, and the improvement in results, measurable.

The Cloud Cognitive Capture plugin from enChoice accelerates your Datacap investment. By allowing you to keep the same environment, applications, and workflow, there is no costly migration to a new platform. The easy-to-use configuration interface simply shifts your service outside Datacap. As each vendor, Microsoft, Amazon, and Google, has different strengths, you can choose the engine that returns the most accurate results for your documents on an application-by-application basis.

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Improve your recognition rates on non-standard document formats.

This plugin enables extracting of information and indexing from documents that are not the standard 8.5X11 inch format, such as: driver’s licenses, passports, receipts, tickets, certificates, freight invoices, etc. The Image Cropper plugin efficiently removes unwanted background and ensure that the resulting image file contains only the desired document.

This plugin improves recognition quality and ensures that only the highest quality version of the image is presented to end-users. Greater data recognition from non-standard image formats improves the accuracy and provides measurable results.

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Cognitive Correction

Increase efficiency and reduce data-entry with machine learning.

Users often make repetitive changes to the same fields after data is captured. This Cognitive Correction plugin uses machine-learning capabilities to understand user behavior. As repetitive errors are presented in the future, Cognitive Correction learns from them and proactively modifies the results for the user. This plugin reduces the amount of manual interaction that a user has to have with a document as it passes through the system.

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Sales Order Management

Process your sales orders faster and more accurately.

Sales orders need to be processed quickly and accurately so you can get paid. Automating your sales order process can speed up order processing and get your product out the door sooner.

Our Sales Order Management plugin for IBM Datacap helps you achieve a high level of straight-through processing, boosts both speed and accuracy from order to fulfillment, without disrupting your sales flow or requiring huge changes to your process. By automating data entry, your orders are captured, processed, and delivered to your system of record with as little human interaction as possible. This includes orders that come into your system via mail, fax, or email.

The many benefits of our Sales Order Management plugin for Datacap:

  • Speed up order processing
  • Reduce manual data-entry
  • Reduce order processing errors
  • Gain a complete audit trail


Fix document alignment issues for better extraction rates.

With enChoice's Adrift plugin for IBM Datacap, you can automatically fix alignment issues on externally printed forms, ensuring successful key zone processing when the documents are returned to your organization.

The Adrift plugin is "anchoring" technology that dynamically finds the anchor on forms or documents. Anchoring is necessary when the document or form has been stretched or shrunk, like when forms are printed and scanned from different sources with different settings (like margins, resolutions). With Adrift you can more easily manage the capture and extraction process of documents that have been printed and filled-in and scanned outside of your organization.

With the Adrift plugin for Datacap, you can reduce the manual processing of forms and experience better extraction rates on externally scanned documents.

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