enChoice Datacap Performance Reporting & Analytics

Performance Reporting & Analytics for Datacap

The enChoice Performance Reporting and Analytics for IBM Datacap identifies areas of potential performance improvement and areas to increase overall ROI for your system

Performance Reporting and Analytics help reduce debugging errors, thus reducing overall development costs. The extraction and analysis of performance data is greatly reduced, meanwhile allowing development to be targeted to areas of the application with the highest optimization potential.

Datacap Performance Reporting and Analytics includes the following solutions:

Performance Monitor

Gain insight into performance and system issues.

The Performance Monitor is a tool designed to leverage Datacap logs to generate reports showing the average performance of each step in the Datacap application. By looking at the log files we can extrapolate the rule sets and task profiles that were run, their time stamp and the time differences, and present those in a more consumable format.

This insight can be exceptionally valuable when seeking performance optimization or discovering where issues occur. For example, if there are complaints that the system is slow or not performing optimally, using the Performance Monitor you can request a series of batches from production, and by analyzing the log files you can take a systematic approach to find what rule sets, or task profiles that may need investigation. Looking for those high variances allows you to narrow down the trouble-shooting process to identify issues.

The Performance Monitor can retroactively fit into any client with existing production logs and it is a very non-intrusive analysis, that can report back very quickly on what areas of your application need further investigation.

Ruleset Manager

Identify and remove unused rulesets.

As your Datacap application grows and the number of rules grow, you can often find yourself in a spot where it's very difficult to understand which rules active, and which rules are not active. This is especially true in larger Datacap environments that have been worked on by multiple people over longer periods of time. The Ruleset Manager keeps large project code bases clean and highlights areas of concern in existing applications.

To determine what cleanups might be possible, the Ruleset Manager will analyze the rules folder of a Datacap application and automatically report on any orphaned (or non-functioning) rulesets. It will not only find them, but also gives you the ability to automatically remove those orphan rulesets.

Ruleset Manager also allows you to sort the rulesets alphabetically (which is not possible out-of-the-box) with the click of the button, which helps keep those larger environments cleaner and more organized. Sorting alphabetically also saves time when troubleshooting to locate an unrecognized ruleset, as opposed to hunting through hundreds of rules.

The Error Extractor

Save time finding the root cause of batch errors.

The Error Extractor is very similar to the Performance Monitor in that it analyzes the batches to automatically extract errors from the log files.

However, the data in your log files can be very long and packed with information, and you may be only looking for specially formatted messages within the log files. The error Extractor tool lets you easily locate and extract those errors for quicker resolution, saving time and allowing you to focus on more important things.

Zone Analyzer

Identify common fingerprint issues.

The zone analyzer is specific to use cases that handle or have implemented fingerprinting, and can be used in larger projects with hundreds of thousands of fingerprints where it's just not practical to analyze fingerprints individually.

Fingerprinting is a technique involving zonal extraction and the Zone Analyzer has the ability analyze production batches and gather the zonal extraction data, identify patterns of poor extraction rates, and identify the root cause of poor performing fingerprints to find a resolution.

The zone analyzer can help triage fingerprint issues and assist in finding a resolution to increase accuracy.It provides the tools and features you need to quickly identify, fix and remove unused or problem fingerprints that may be slowing down your system or impacting recognition and extraction.

Keyfile Management Tool

Keyword configuration for users.

The Keyfile Management Tool provides users with an interface to manage and locate keyword files for their Datacap application. The interface allows users to create, read, update, and delete all keywords configured in the application. Users can adjust the priority of each keyword by changing the order of the keys within each list. The interface provides a better option for modifying keyword files when compared to a simple file editor.